Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tot School March 27, 2011 “Aa, fruit”

Letter Learning

Alligator is loving the Tot School Printables from 1+1+1=1. We started with them on Thursday and he is really enjoying them. He requests the power point presentation multiple times a day. I really hope Carissa creates more!

He really enjoyed using the dotter.    


I printed the puzzle and matching cards on card stock and laminated them.

I showed him how to do each set first, then he was able to copy me.



He still loves his magnet letters


Here, he is matching his Mother Goose Time letters to the letter cards.


Sensory Tub

I made this sensory tub to go along with the theme of A and fruit. You can read more about it here.


On this day, I set out some buckets for him to sort through the items. He enjoyed practicing throwing the items in the buckets. He also practiced saying the word “throw”.


He discovered that one of the letters from the tub was from his magnet set, and said “go there” then went and put it on the board.IMG_4827


I made the boys made some bird feet. They were willing to put them on just long enough for this picture.


Alligator’s newest favorite activity it taking the markers out of the box, opening them, trying it out then putting it back in the box. We did this several times.


Outside Fun

It snowed last night so we had one last fling in the snow.


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Check out what others are doing for Tot School!

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