Sunday, May 1, 2011

After-preschool Corner

Monkey is 5 years old + 1 month!

This week was a hard one for our family. We had a blast with Easter and really enjoyed the celebrations of Jesus' Resurrection! We spent time celebrating at our church, and with my parents. However when we returned, I hurt my ankle. I will have more details on what I actually did to it on Tuesday when I go see my family doctor. Since the incident I have been sleeping and using crutches to hobble around. But, we did get some after-school time in this week!


Here is Monkey at his church Easter Egg Hunt.


Here are the boys at my parent’s house.


Here is my favorite of Monkey!


Sight Words

We are still on our first set of sight words. We will move onto the second set this week.

I couldn’t believe Monkey was willing to color the sight words by number.


He used our ALpha-tiles to make the words.


We played sight word Bingo.


I wrote the sight words on the ground, and he and I raced to the sight word that was called out!


We made Sight words with Play Dough.


And I wrote the sight words on a pieces of Big paper, and Monkey used his cars to fill them in.



We used every piece of track we had to create the longest track we possible could. Monkey loved this!


He had fun swinging on our baby swing too.



Linked up to Preschool Corner.

1 comment:

  1. I love your boy's Easter outfits. Hope your ankle is feeling better!
