As far back as I can remember my goal has been to lose weight. And this my resolution is “to lose weight” again. However, I am going to break it down my month. And no I don’t mean “ I am going to lose 10 pounds this month”. My goal each month will be adding a routine to help me reach my goal of life long weight loss.
But, I am not stopping there. I also want to be keep a tidier house. So I will have a goal each month to help with that.
My final goal will be to continue to blog. I enjoy blogging, I love to look back at the things I have done with my kids.
So to recap, my resolutions for this year are:
1. Lose weight
2. Keep a tidier house
3. Blog
Now for the mini-goals for January:
- My goal in January is to journal my food 6 out of 7 days a week. I don’t care what I eat, I will journal it. My hope is that getting in the habit of journaling it will make me more mindful of what I am eating, and will also help me see where I am, so I can get to where I want to be. No, I will not be posting my food journal on here, I will use my I-pod touch to log in my food and activity. Every week I will blog about how I am doing with this goal! Now, I am not giving myself license to eat what ever I want, but no matter what I want to journal it.
- Mini-goal number 2: I am using flylady’s techniques as my guide. So for the month of January I will set up and complete a morning and evening routine (for more info on flylady visit
- Get Dressed and pretty (that means do hair and makeup)
- Unload and reload dishwasher
- Clear and disinfect counters and black table
- Sweep
- Move laundry to dryer
- Plan dinner
- Put load of laundry in washer
- Load dishwasher and turn it on.
- Clear and clean counters and table.
- Pick up Living room.
- Put out my clothes and get the boys “to go” boxes ready (read more about that here)
- Do face and teeth
- My final mini goal is to write the following blog posts per week
- Preschool corner
- Tot school
- January resolutions
After reading this post, a friend of mine pointed out a great blog carnival called 3 in 30. It is the same principle as above! Check it out, here!
thats a great list you need to link up to the 3 in 30 post that is monthly I just posted my 3 in 30 for january :)