Monday, March 7, 2011

Circle Time at Home

As you already probably know, I have started Mother Goose Time again with my boys.

One aspect that I have never done with them before was Circle Time. At the suggestions of a fellow MGT-er Jenny (Thanks!!!) I decided to give it a try! So far, we are loving it.

Here is our new circle time area.


It is just a small corner of our room. I will explain all the part in a moment.

As you can see in the above image I have 2 cushions for the boys to sit on. They are labeled with their name. This is great for name identification and also to help both boys stay on their spot. This will be important when both boys go off to Kindergarten. Although Alligator is a bit young, being exposed to his name, and learning to identify it is a good up and coming skill.

Mom also has a name tag, but I don’t have a cushion. Although why not??? Don’t I deserve to be comfy…I think I need to change this!


Here you can see our Mother Goose Time Calendar, theme poster, and the nursery rhyme for the month. The boys take turns putting up the calendar number. We refer to our poster a lot through out the month as well. I like having the Nursery Rhyme up to help with word identification and other early literacy skills. I have a stuffed cat and bird to act out the nursery rhyme for this month.


I have my items set out for today’s lessons. On the magnet board is our daily poster, with today’s theme on it. You can see the lesson plan book behind the basket.


What I like best about this corner, is when we are all done. I put all of my materials in the basket and then put basket away. I then  put the cushions behind the couch, and the area is clear and the room can be played in with out me worrying about them messing up my stuff.



  1. Thanks! We are enjoying it! Monkey couldn't wait to get started the other day when he saw the set up. He even asked me to wake up Alligator (which never happens)!
